ASIC - Association for science and information on coffee

Nucleotide Diversity of Genes Involved in Sucrose Metabolism. Towards the Identification of Candidate Genes Controlling Sucrose Variability in Coffea spp.

D. Pot, S. Bouchet, P. Marraccini, F. De Bellis, P. Cubry, I. Jourdan, L. F. P. Pereira, L. G. E. Vieira, L. P. Ferreira, P. Musoli, H. Legnate, T. Leroy
€ 5.00

Proceeding categories

Consumption Consumption & Health
Stack of paper Documentation, Information & Normalisation
Biotech Biochemistry and Biotechnology of Green Coffee
Coffee roasting Roasting Coffee Technology & Processing
Coffee plants Green Coffee Processing
Farm Farm Management